
Create and administer decision aids and other support tools that help people/patients make better choices 


Making health choices is becoming increasingly more complex, with more options, and more evidence becoming available everyday. Decision aids and other support tool like prediction and prognostic tools can help patients make more informed and value congruent decisions with their health care providers and family members.

We want to make it easier for researchers to develop these tools.      

Decide Application or DecideApp is an open source platform that enables academic researchers to create custom decision aids and prognostic tools for desktop, mobile and tablet with a fully responsive design - no coding required - so you can keep the content in line with current options and evidence. 

The decision aids can be customized using open source code in multiple ways to make it easier for participants to understand the evidence - so people can make choices that are congruent with their underlying preferences. 

All data is hosted on secure servers at the University of British Columbia.

Important information

This application is available to academics in British Columbia, for not profit use, and is free of charge. If you are interested in using the software for other purposes, please use the contact form at the bottom.

If you are not in BC but would like to use the software, please contact us.

Please read through the platform information documents including the terms of service.

You are required to have research ethics board (REB) approval if you want to collect any data (even if to individualize estimates) - we ask you do not collect identifiable data in DecideApp. Do not ask for personal health numbers (PHNs), full names, dates of birth, or ask questions with free text responses that may prompt people to identify themselves. To send the decision aids to participants either send the unique survey link provided in DecideApp, or use REDCap to administer the survey (so you can follow up with respondents). See the tutorials for more information

Key Features 

Individualize evidence

Tailor risks, options and visualizations based on an algorithm. So if the risk of a side-effect differs based on age, gender or a genetic disposition, you can provide the individualized estimate. 

Help patients understand what matters most to them

From simple sliders, to budget pies, discrete choice experiments and best worst scaling, you can help users understand what matters most to them in their decision, and to convey this to others. 

Individualize recommendations

Integrate the individualized evidence and values to help a patients know what option might be best for them. Use MCDA or latent class model results to nudge patients to choose the best option. 

Interactive risk communication

Use icon arrays, bar charts, line charts to communicate chances of benefits and harms